Sign PDF with Barcode Signature using Java REST API

Barcode signatures are an innovative way to securely authenticate PDF documents by embedding data in a scannable format. This data can be easily verified, reducing the risk of fraud and making document signing more efficient. This article walks you through signing PDF documents with barcode signatures using the Cloud Java SDK. What’s great about this approach is that it requires only a couple of API calls, and you can build feature-rich apps to e-sign PDFs across Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Steps to Sign PDF with Barcode Signature using Java REST API

  1. Sign up and get your API credentials from the GroupDocs Cloud Dashboard
  2. Download the GroupDocs.Signature Cloud Java SDK and create a Java project
  3. Set up your API credentials with the Configuration class
  4. To esign the PDF document, instantiate a SignApi class object
  5. Define the source file information using the FileInfo class
  6. Create an e-signature using SignBarcodeOptions and set up the properties
  7. Set the output file and e-sign settings and execute the signing request

There are several advantages of integrating barcode signatures into your PDF files in a world increasingly moving toward digital document management. Unlike regular signatures, barcode signatures encode data in a way that is hard to replicate. Even if the document is tampered with, the barcode signature will indicate discrepancies during verification. For sensitive contracts and legal agreements, using a barcode signature ensures your PDFs comply with the relevant regulations.

Code to Sign PDF with Barcode Signature using Java REST API

We learned that incorporating barcode signatures into your PDF signing process can streamline your document management system. The Java REST API ascertains that the process is easier than ever and requires less effort. Developers can work with improved verification and cost-efficiency, making barcode signatures an excellent choice to implement modern signing solutions into their Java applications.
